Fire Consultancy Service

At Firecom Safety Systems we offer a unique and unrevealed service of advising you regarding all of fire safety and matters pertaining to it.

This can range from an impartial assessment and audit of Fire Extinguishers under BS5306 guidelines, Fire Alarm Systems under BS5839 guidelines, Emergency Lighting Systems under BS5266 guidelines, Dry Riser Systems under BS9990 guidelines, Sprinkler Systems under BS 9252(residential) and BS9251 guidelines and Fire Suppression Systems (Gas and Kitchen suppression systems).

An increasing number of our clients, faced with increasing costs, are asking our consultancy service to assess their fire safety suppliers to ensure they are not only receiving competitive but also value for money service from their contractor. Furthermore, our consultancy work extends to assessing whether the works that have been conducted have been correctly undertaken in accordance with compliance and industry standards.

Surprisingly, for a market driven by safety and compliance there are still a lot of fire engineers without industry certification, which in the event of an incident, may mean your employees safety is not only at risk but in the event of a successful claim, your insurance would be null and void.

We are happy to help you in this due diligence process to ensure that any engineer that comes into your building to conduct fire safety works is not only correctly qualified but also competently trained.

Quite often we also find a huge disparity between fire safety suppliers, at times merely plucking a figure ‘out of thin air’ to provide additional items or repair works such as additional fire detection, replacement fire extinguishers etc. In our experience other companies misquote British Standards to make additional sales as engineers are rewarded by lucrative sales commission schemes.

We regularly find the reduction in costs that we achieve for our clients far outweigh the invoices made by fire safety equipment suppliers being held accountable.

Please feel free to contact our team for a Free Site Survey or No Obligation Quotation on 0115 822 2000 or at

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