Fire Safety Training

In accordance, with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 every employee must know what do in a fire emergency, which can also include the use of portable fire extinguishers to deal with a small fire i.e bin fire.

What We Offer

At Firecom Safety Systems we offer a comprehensive range of fire safety training programmes tailored for different companies and delegate numbers. All our fire trainers are fully qualified and offer a safe but effective fire training courses including the practical use of fire extinguishers with live fire (if safe to so do).

All courses are a combination of classroom training and live demonstration, (outside in a safe cordoned off area – generally a car park), and each trainee gets the opportunity to use a fire extinguisher in a safe controlled environment under the instruction of the trainer with live fire.

Unlike online courses which offer trainees no practical use of fire safety equipment, all of Firecom Safety Systems courses, allow delegates to experience how fire equipment performs and when (and when not to) use it in the workplace. Our trainer will give you the convenience of coming to your site meaning very minimal disruption during working time.

All delegates must achieve a pass mark of 75% (or more), on the course to gain certification stating that they have achieved basic competence at either basic fire awareness skills or fire marshal duties. This means that your company employees are better educated to understand the potential risks of fire in the workplace. This covers aspects such as faulty electrical equipment and encourages them to practice safer practices such as ensuring fire doors are closed and not wedged open helping protract escape routes in an emergency.

How often should fire awareness/Fire Marshal training be conducted?

Whilst there is no legal predetermined period the law states that training should be conducted on a regular basis. This is to account for changes in personnel or new employees joining the business. It is also as equally important to have refresher courses on Fire Marshal training when there have been changes in the building layout, or changes to the company’s production processes.

Training Courses

Safe demonstration and effective use of portable fire extinguishers under instruction enables delegates to get ‘real life’ hands on training use fire safety equipment
A fire extinguisher demonstration in a controlled test.
A fire extinguisher demonstration.
Basic Fire Awareness Training
  1. This is a relatively simple straight forward fire training course offering delegates a basic understanding of fire and fire risks in the workplace as well as the safe use of portable fire extinguishers. It also teaches them how to raise the alarm, what to do in the event of discovering a fire as well safe evacuation of a building in a fire situation. Each delegate received a handout to help aid the learning process and successful attendance of the course will be confirmed with a certificate. The course is also a perfect lead into the more enhanced Fire Marshal training course.

    Course duration approximately 1.5 hours (maximum number of delegates 10)

Fire Marshal Training
  1. Fire Marshal training teaches delegates not only some basic principles of fire safety theory as well as the practical use of portable fire extinguishers but also safe evacuation techniques, roll call, missing person(s), what to do with a blocked fire exit route.

    This enhanced and comprehensive course gives employees the confidence of dealing with a fire situation which may involve the evacuation of large numbers of building personnel.

    This course requires a pass mark of 75% or more in order to gain certification as a Fire Marshal and is a combination of classroom and practical training skills outside in a safe nominated area.

    The course covers:

    • The theory of fire (fire triangle)
    • Types of fuel and their significance
    • Different types of fire extinguishers, their safe use and performance
    • Identifying potential fire risks in the workplace and how to make it safer e.g arson, faulty electrical equipment
    • The importance of weekly, monthly fire checks
    • The behaviour of people in a fire situation
    • Means of escape - How to safely evacuate a building with personnel
    • Effective roll call and missing person(s)
    • The importance of escape routes, ensuring their safe integrity
    • Effective fire door management

    Course duration approximately 3 hours (maximum number of delegates 10)

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